
[ESC2009]直接肾素抑制剂在降压和心肾保护方面的作用机理及临床表现--J R Gonzalez Juanatey教授专访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/9/10 15:22:00




International Circulation:  What is the clinical manifestation of this?  When we inhibit this direct renin activity, what are some of the clinical benefits or results of this inhibition?

国际循环: 其临床表现有哪些?当我们抑制这种直接肾素活性时,这种抑制的临床获益或者结果有哪些?

Gonzalez Juanatey:  First of all there is a reduction in blood pressure.  It is clear that aliskiren is the first available direct renin activity inhibitor to reduce blood pressure.  At the present time, the first consolidated indication in clinical practice is to treat hypertensive patients with aliskiren has additive and beneficial effects.  For example, it has a very good safety profile as well as a good profile for combining this therapy with other drugs.  Most important, the persistent faction of 24 hours with once a day dose that covers the full 24-hour period.  At the present time hypertension is the main indication but in the future the ongoing clinical trials will extend the clinical indications.

Gonzalez Juanatey教授: 首先,直接抑制肾素可以使血压有所降低。很明显,阿利吉仑(aliskiren)是第一个可以使用的用以降低血压的直接肾素活性抑制剂。目前,临床实践可以确定的是用阿利吉仑治疗高血压患者可以获得额外、有益的效果。例如,它具有非常好的安全性以及与其它药物联合使用的良好耐受性。最重要的是,每日一次用药剂量在24小时中持续释放,药物作用可以覆盖24小时。目前,高血压是其主要适应证,但是在将来,正在进行的临床试验将扩展临床适应证。

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版面编辑:杨新象  责任编辑:张衡


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