
[WCC2012]降脂治疗与心血管剩余风险——霍勇教授对话Chapman 教授

作者:  霍勇  Chapman   日期:2012/5/2 15:09:04



  <International Circulation>:What is the up-to-date clinical evidence to support interventions on high TG level and low HDL-C level for CV risk reduction?

  Prof.Huo:  We have gotten the data from clinical trials.  At least we should have some patients with atherosic disease on less than 70mg.  This is a very important figure for the clinician to remember because this can help the patient by giving them as low of a residual risk as possible.

  <International Circulation> : What about triglycerides?

  Prof. Huo: We actually don’t care too much about triglycerides.  For some patients with high triglycerides some medications may be indicated, especially in conjunction with HDL cholesterol.  Mostly, with Chinese patients we find that there is a higher incidence than in western countries.  We recommend that doctors emphasize things like diet and exercise as the most important interventions before prescribing medication.

  <International Circulation> :  Do you have anything to add to this Dr. Chapman?

   Prof. Chapman:  It would be interesting to know what the frequency of fish oil, fibrate, or myosin use is on top of a statin in individuals with hyperglyceridemia.

  Prof.Huo: In China, we have a relatively low fibrate use rate compared to western countries.

  Prof. Chapman:  Do you advise the use of fish oil?

  Prof.Huo: Yes we do recommend it but we find that it is not readily accessible to the general population.

  Prof. Chapman:  Is hyperglyceridemia observed frequently in China?  If so, do you think it is because of a change to a more westernized diet?

  Prof.Huo: Yes, it is very frequently observed.  It may be due to the adoption of a more western style diet but some evidence suggests that Asian populations are more susceptible to these changes.  Lately we have been seeing HDL cholesterol levels that are low and this may be a related cause.

版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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