
[CIT2010]我们可以从动物研究和实验研究中学到什么?——Juan F. Granada博士现场专访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/4/1 9:56:00


Animal studies and clinical trial findings are often completely different; what is your opinion of this phenomenon? How can we raise the value of animal studies?

<International Circulation>:  A lot of experimental research has received financial support from large corporations. How can we handle the relationship between trial findings and commercial sponsorship? How can we ensure the trials are scientific and precise?

Dr. Granada: This is a very important question. One of things that we do to ensure this is following good laboratory practices. The final endpoint in the studies that we do is always histology in which the final analysis is done by independent laboratories and the data analysis is done in an independent manner. Most of the studies that are done at the experimental stage are aiming to finding non-competitive differences. For clinical research it is rare that we do head-to-head comparisons or superiority studies. What we do is technology validation to ensure that any given technology is safe and shows signs of efficacy. We never do head-to-head comparisons in which there is an incentive to show superiority. Our objective is to show biological efficacy and safety for any given device or technology. Therefore, the incentive is only to show that a device is efficacious and safe, but not superior to anything else.

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