
[WHC2011]减少食盐摄入有利于控制高血压——Graham MacGregor教授专访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2011/11/23 16:57:21



     <International Circulation>:  Can you talk about the relationship between salt and capillary density?

    Prof. MacGregor: That is a separate issue about what salt does to capillary density.  We know that in people with high blood pressure there is a reduction in the number of capillaries and a reduction in microcirculation.  There is a reduction in the overall arteriole number and subsequent reduction in circulation and capillaries that go with the arterioles.  The question is whether it is directly related to the blood pressure or is it some other effect.  Now it is still unclear from the studies that we and others have done whether or not this decrease in capillary density is directly related to blood pressure.  There is a lot of evidence in animal studies that salt may be an important cause of the capillary rarifaction.  We did a study on effect of a reduction of salt in people with mild hypertension and showed very clearly that when there was a small reduction in salt intake in this very carefully controlled trial there was a big increase in capillary density.  This certainly suggests that salt may have a direct effect on capillary density.  Salt is not only putting up blood pressure but is having a lot of other dangerous effects as well.


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