
[WHC2011]减少食盐摄入有利于控制高血压——Graham MacGregor教授专访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2011/11/23 16:57:21



    <International Circulation>:   There are many people in China who are trying to do studies on reduced salt intake and I know you have a lot of experience conducting these types of studies.  What do you think is important for an effective study on reduced salt intake and controlling salt in a patient’s diet?

    Prof. MacGregor: The major thing is to get them to reduce their salt, which may seem obvious but it not easy to get people to use less salt and stick to it.  You can do it for a few days but with the variations in how food is prepared and who prepares it it is difficult to adhere to a strict regimen of salt reduction.  After a few weeks of sticking to a firm salt reduction plan the salt receptors adjust and become much more sensitive to salt.  Then one much prefers food with less salt.  When I got out to eat in Beijing I find the food far too salty.  Once you get used to less salt and become more sensitive to it food with high amounts of added salt tastes metallic and just terrible.  I would much rather taste the real fish, real vegetables, or what have you rather than those things with copious amounts of added salt.  Salt really isn’t necessary once normal sensitization returns.  

    <International Circulation>: I beg your pardon but that sounds a bit biased.

    Prof. MacGregor: Well you just try it, you’ll see.  In the UK everyone said the same thing as what you’re saying and what all the Chinese will say.  You try it and see.  You will much prefer the food with less salt once you’ve gotten used to it.  For the first time in your life you taste the real taste of food rather than this mineral metallic taste.  Sodium is a metal and I can’t think of much sense in adding a metal to one’s food.  


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