
[WCC2012]Geoffrey T. Fong博士解析全球烟草控制政策评价项目

作者:  GeoffreyT.Fong   日期:2012/4/20 16:38:28


Dr Fong: The ITC Project is the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project and the report combines data from different ongoing research and surveillance projects

  Dr Fong: The ITC Project is the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project and the report combines data from different ongoing research and surveillance projects. It is really quite massive because the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) has been done in fourteen tobacco high-burden countries throughout the world and they are going to be doing some additional countries. GATS is more of a surveillance effort looking at representative national samples across the fourteen countries by the WHO and the US CBC and country partners. The ITC Project was created in 2002 before there was an FCTC designed to create an international system for evaluating the yet-to-come tobacco control policies of the FCTC. Although there are some surveillance components, the survey is really focusing on evaluation. It is a cohort study which means you go to the same people over time and because for evaluation, this allows changes at the level of the individuals with changing policies. We can see how those individuals actually responded and whether or not they changed their behavior. We have a whole set of variables we can link across time. If you have repeat cross-sectional which means you have a population at time one and different people at time two, you cannot link those two because you cannot see change. You can only look at it at the very grand mean level.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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